NF - Wish You Wouldn't (Audio)

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Music Detail

NF - Wish You Wouldn't (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on April 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 3,801 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Therapy Session

Lyrics Title

Wish You Wouldn't




Hip-Hop Rap


We gotta talk about things
We gotta do something different
Cause this isn't working, this isn't working

I don't, I don't know if I can do this
Riding 'round in the city, baby
I know you wish you could change me
Why you mad? Girl, why you angry?
Yeah, why you angry?
Back and forth, you love you hate me
Arguing about the same things
I don't, I don't know if I can do this
I don't, I don't know anymore, baby I don't know anymore

I wish you didn't say things, I wish you didn't say things
That you don't mean, that you don't mean

I wish you didn't say things, I wish you didn't say things
That you don't mean, that you don't mean

Yeah, I mean she wants somebody that's working a 9-5
I apologise but those ain't my hours, you ain't never been with a man
Who's working this kinda job,
who works for this kind of drive, I wouldn't be with me either
Hold up, yeah I think that's work on the other
line, I gotta go, we can argue some another time
Hang up the phone, I regret it right after
This is the chance that I couldn't just pass up
See I signed a deal, you say that I should've asked ya

I guess I was scared to see how you reacted
And maybe I knew I'd be selfish
These are the things I ain't proud of

I'm always the type to get jealous,
there's always two sides to the story
And you're not the one that I blame when I tell it, that's real, yeah
You ain't the one, you ain't the one

I mean I should've manned up and that's hard to say as a man
The older I get the more I understand a
relationship's more than just holding her hand
I'm sorry, you can blame me, yeah, you can blame me

I wish you didn't say things, I wish you didn't say things
That you don't mean, that you don't mean
I wish you didn't say things, I wish you didn't say things
That you don't mean, that you don't mean

What's going on?
I just wanna feel something, I just wanna feel something
There's too many things I'm tryna deal with
And I understand that you don't feel this
I said there's too many things I'm tryna deal with
And I understand I'm hurting your feelings
I know you don't feel this, yeah
I'm just expressing the way that I'm feeling
The things that I'm trying to deal with
I guess I've been trying to hold it all inside
But it's obvious that ain't working
Yeah it's obvious that ain't working
The only thing we got in common
Is that we got nothing in common, baby
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