Calvin Harris - The Girls

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Calvin Harris - The Girls was added to the Free2Music database on October 24, 2018. Published the day it was watched 745 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Calvin Harris

Lyrics Title

The Girls




Electronic Dance Pop


I like them black girls, I like them white girls
I like them Asian girls, I like them mixed-race girls
I like them Spanish girls, I like them Italian girls
I like the French girls, and I like Scandinavian girls
I like them tall girls, I like them short girls
I like them brown haired girls, I like them blonde haired girls
I like them big girls, I like them skinny girls
I like them carrying a little bitty weight girls

Now baby I've got a lot of love to give
And I've been over, oversubscribed with relationships
See you've got a little thing I haven't seen before
But I must warn ya that I can't help but play around for sure

I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls

Now maybe I can learn to settle down one day
But right now I'm livin' life to mess around and play
See you've got a little thing I haven't seen before
But I must warn ya that I can't help but play around for sure, I did it before

I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls

I like them black girls, I like them white girls
I like them Asian girls, I like them mixed-race girls
I like them Spanish girls, I like them Italian girls
I like the French girls, and I like Scandinavian girls
I like them tall girls, I like them short girls
I like them brown haired girls, I like them blonde haired girls
I like them big girls, I like them skinny girls
I like them carrying a little bitty weight girls

I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
I get all the girls, I get all the girls
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