Calvin Harris - We’ll Be Coming Back (feat. Example)

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Calvin Harris - We’ll Be Coming Back (feat. Example) was added to the Free2Music database on December 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 827 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Calvin Harris


18 Months

Lyrics Title

We’ll Be Coming Back (feat. Example)




Electronic Dance Pop


We took it all apart but I'm wishing I'd stayed
In the back room something I heard you say
We didn't wanna call it too early

Now it seems a world away but I miss that day
Are we ever gonna feel the same?

Standing in the light till it's over, out of our minds
Someone had to draw a line
We'll be coming back for you one day
We'll be coming back for you one day
I don't even care if I know you, out of our minds
Sad to leave it all behind
We'll be coming back
We'll be coming back for you one day

You can see it from afar, we were riding that wave
Blinded by the lights, and it's something I crave
We didn't want to call it too early
Now it seems a world away but I miss that day
Are we ever gonna feel the same?

Standing in the light till it's over, out of our minds
Someone had to draw a line
We'll be coming back for you one day
We'll be coming back for you one day
I don't even care if I know you, out of our minds
Sad to leave it all behind
We'll be coming back for you one day
We'll be coming back for you one day

Gonna rise, gonna fall, getting pulled apart
And we all do it all cause it stole our hearts
Gonna light up the skies, so ignore the stars
And we all do it all cause it stole our hearts

Standing in the light till it's over, out of our minds
Someone had to draw a line
We'll be coming back for you one day
We'll be coming back for you one day
I don't even care if I know you, out of our minds
Sad to leave it all behind
We'll be coming back for you one day
We'll be coming back for you one day
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