Zara Larsson - Don't Let Me Be Yours

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Music Detail

Zara Larsson - Don't Let Me Be Yours was added to the Free2Music database on December 08, 2018. Published the day it was watched 684 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Zara Larsson

Lyrics Title

Don't Let Me Be Yours






I may know myself, but I realize that I can't be led astray
I know, I know that you're bad for my health
But I don't care, I want you anyway

Ay, yeah

Boy, you think that you know me
Oh, but you can't see my lonely heart
Things look different in the mornin', oh
That's when we find out who we are

Would you still want me
Without no makeup on my face?
Without alcohol in your veins?
Oh, would you, baby?
Would you still love me
With all the promises you made?
Would you still mean the words you say?
Oh, would you, baby?

You know everybody makes mistakes, mmm
Don't let me be yours
You know everybody makes mistakes
Don't let me be yours, no, don't let me be

We may look like hell when it's 6 AM
But it's heaven in this bed
I know, I know, I know that you can tell
That we're more than friends
And it's not just in our heads
Yeah, yeah

Boy, you think that you know me
Oh, but you can't see my lonely heart
Things look different in the mornin', yeah
That's when we find out who we are

Would you still want me
Without no makeup on my face?
Without alcohol in your veins?
Oh, would you, baby?
Would you still love me
With all the promises you made?
Would you still mean the words you say?
Oh, would you, baby?

You know everybody makes mistakes
Don't let me be yours
You know everybody makes mistakes
Don't let me be yours, no, don't let me be

Boy, you think that you know me
Oh, but you can't see my lonely heart
Things look different in the mornin', ah
That's when we find out who we are

You know everybody makes mistakes, mmm
Don't let me be yours
You know everybody makes mistakes
Don't let me be yours, no, don't let me be
You know everybody makes mistakes, mmm
Don't let me be yours
You know everybody makes mistakes
Don't let me be yours, no, don't let me be
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