Britney Spears - I Love Rock 'N' Roll

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Britney Spears - I Love Rock 'N' Roll was added to the Free2Music database on January 22, 2019. Published the day it was watched 936 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Britney Spears



Lyrics Title

I Love Rock 'N' Roll






Hey! Is this thing on?
I saw him dancing there
By the record machine
I knew he must have
Been about seventeen
The beat was going strong
Playing my favorite song
I could tell
It wouldn't be long
Till he was with me
Yeah, with me
And I could tell
It wouldn't be long
Till he was with me
Yeah, with me
I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime
In the jukebox
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
Take the time
And dance with me
He smiled, so I got up
And asked for his name
"But that don't matter," he said
"'Cause it's all the same."
I said, "Can I take you home
Where we can be alone?"
And next we
Were moving on
And he was with me
Yeah, with me
And we were moving on
And singin' that
Same old song
Yeah, with me
I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime
In the jukebox
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
So come on take the time
And dance with me
I love rock 'n' roll yeah
'Cause it soothes
My soul yeah
I love rock 'n' roll
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I said, "Can I take you home
Where we can be alone?"
And next we
Were moving on
And he was with me
Yeah, with me
And we were movin on
And singin' that
Same old song
Yeah, with me
I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime
In the jukebox
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
Take the time and
Dance with me
I love rock 'n' roll
(I love rock 'n' roll)
So put another dime
In the jukebox baby
I love rock 'n' roll
So come on
Take the time
And dance with me
(Dance with me)
I love rock 'n' roll
(Rock 'n' roll)
So put another dime
In the jukebox baby
(I said)
I love rock 'n' roll
(So dance with me)
So come on
Take the time and
Dance with me
(Dance with me ooh)
I love rock 'n' roll
(Rock 'n' roll)
So put another dime
In the jukebox baby
(Oh, ooh)
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
Take the time and
(Dance with me)
Dance with me
I love rock 'n' roll
So put another dime
In the jukebox baby
I love rock 'n' roll
So come and
Take the time and
Dance with me
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