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The Chainsmokers - Roses (Lyric Video) ft. ROZES was added to the Free2Music database on December 02, 2018. Published the day it was watched 915 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




The Chainsmokers Ft. ROZES

Lyrics Title





Electronic Pop Folk World Country Funk/Soul Hip-Hop Latin Reggae Rock


Takin' it slow, but it's not typical
He already knows that my love is fire
His heart was a stone, but then his hands roam
I turned him to gold and took him higher

Well, I'll be your daydream, I'll be your favorite things
We could be beautiful
Get drunk on the good life, I'll take you to paradise
Say you'll never let me go

Deep in my bones, I can feel you
Take me back to a time only we knew
We could waste the night with an old film
Smoke a little weed on my couch in the back room
Say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go

Ahh, ahh, ahh
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go

Deep in my bones, I can feel you
Take me back to a time only we knew
We could waste the night with an old film
Smoke a little weed on my couch in the back room
Say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go

Ahh, ahh, ahh
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Ahh, ahh, ahh
Say you'll never let me go
Say you'll never let me go
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