Ciara - Give Me Love (Audio)

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Ciara - Give Me Love (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 03, 2019. Published the day it was watched 782 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Jackie (Deluxe Edition)

Lyrics Title

Give Me Love






I got money, I got cars
So I don't need it, I need more
I'll show you mine, if you show me yours

You best believe it, I got what you want

No holding back
Ain't no holding back
I need all of your attention
All of your attention baby

Turn me on
Turn the whole world off
Boy I need you at attention
Need you at attention baby
Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all

Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all

Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me
Give me love
Put it on me, put it on me, put it on me
Give me love

Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all

We ain't gon' make it, the bed too far
So let's go now, right here on the floor
Body to body, we can bury it all
Yeah the naked truth, ooh if these walls could talk
No holding back
Ain't no holding back
I need all of your attention
All of your attention baby

Turn me on
Turn the whole world off
Boy I need you at attention
Need you at attention baby
Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all

Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all

Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me
Give me love
Put it on me, put it on me, put it on me
Give me love

Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all

We just begun, the night is young oh will you take me there
Oh come and hold me, won't you show me, you can take me there
My body's callin' for you darling, hope that you're prepared
To take my body where nobody's ever taken me, me, me, me, me

Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all

Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all

Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me
Give me love
Put it on me, put it on me, put it on me
Give me love

Give me love or nothing at all
Give me love or nothing at all
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