Enrique Iglesias - Away ft. Sean Garrett

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Enrique Iglesias - Away ft. Sean Garrett was added to the Free2Music database on November 02, 2018. Published the day it was watched 839 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Enrique Iglesias

Lyrics Title





Electronic Pop R&B Funk/Soul Hip-Hop Latin Rock


(Enrique Iglesias and Sean Garrett overlook a fatal car crash where Enrique has died)
(birds chirping)
Police Radio: Key Motes Hotel, static, 33-14

Away away, oh, away away
I wanna know, I wanna know, I wanna know, I wanna know

This feels like the coldest day in a hurricane lookin' through a glass window
You screaming to the top of your lungs, and the bells are rung
And the crowd can't hear you
I know that I can see this buildin' burning
I just got to rescue a baby
But you don't even recognize me
And even though the feeling's been gone I just want to be here
But you pick up the little pieces of remains
I'm going down the plane is smokin'
And the only one who can save me is you but you want to throw me—

Away, away, away, away, oh why?
I wanna know, I wanna know why you wanna throw me—
Away, away, away, away, oh why?
I gotta to know why you wanna throw me—
Away, away, away, away, oh why?
I gotta know, I wanna know why you wanna throw me away?

You used to ask why I was I so skeptic, of love
Girl 'cause it changes, and it ain't got to be no real reason
You start to live the dream and before you know
There's a door that opens, and the moment you walk in and it close
Maybe it's somebody else, or a situation that you can't help
Ooh lover, lover, lover, lover
Just ain't what it used to be
I confronted my fears with open arms
Although you said you will never give up on us but now you blow me—

Away, away, away, away, oh why?
I wanna know, I wanna know why you wanna throw me—
Away, away, away, away, oh why?
I gotta to know, I gotta know why you wanna blow me—
Away, away, away, away, oh why?
I wanna know why you wanna throw me away?

Perfect we said we'd never be
So why is this happening to me?
No way, no way, no way
No way, no way, no way
No way, no way, no way
No way, no way, no way, no way
No way, no way, no way
No way, no way, no way
No way, no way, no way
No way, no way, no way, no way—

Away, away, away, oh why?
I wanna know, I wanna know why you wanna throw me—
Away, away, away, away, oh why?
I gotta to know, I gotta know why you wanna throw me—
Away, away, away, away, oh why?
I gotta know, I wanna know why you wanna throw me away?
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