Luke Combs - Out There (Audio)

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Luke Combs - Out There (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 05, 2018. Published the day it was watched 761 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Luke Combs


This One's for You

Lyrics Title

Out There






PFG's coming cross the creek
Z71, headlights shinin through the trees
The boys spill out of the back seat

And ask me, what's it gonna be tonight
I said I'm just trying to get loose
Trying to make a move
Don't matter what we do

As long as we're out there
Somewhere where we can go
Get away from it all, get lost
And god only knows where we'll go
And hell I don't care
As long as we're out there

We pulled in, threw it in park
And follow the orange glow in the dark
And the trail marks
Through the fire and flames we locked eyes
She walked over from the other side
And smiled when I said
I'm just trying to get loose, trying to set the mood
Don't matter what we do

As long as we're out there
Somewhere where we can go
Get away from it all, get lost
And god only knows where we'll go
And baby I don't care
As long as we're out there
As long as we're out there

As long as we're out there
Somewhere where we can go
Get away from it all, get lost
And god only knows where we'll go
And hell I don't care
As long as we're out there
As long as we're out there
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