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Kane Brown - What's Mine Is Yours (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 23, 2018. Published the day it was watched 889 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Kane Brown


Kane Brown (Deluxe Edition)

Lyrics Title

What's Mine Is Yours






Wasn't really looking when you caught my eyes
Just another town, just another night
Didn't say much, I was scared for my life

I didn't catch your number and didn't know your name
Tried to move on, couldn't help to think of you
And I knew that you'd change everything

What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
Yeah, you saved me
You got all of me and I don't need it anymore
What's mine is yours
What's mine is yours
What's mine is yours

Now there's make up my counter
Your shoes on my floor
Taking my side of the bed and more
But it's fine, cause you changed everything

What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
Yeah, you saved me
You got all of me and I don't need it anymore
What's mine is yours
What's mine is yours
Yeah, yeah

Take this ring
Forever now
Til death do us apart
And take this vow

What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
What's mine is yours
Every breathe I take, every choice I make
It might sound crazy
All my pain, washed away, in the blink of an eye
Yeah, you saved me
You got all of me and I don't need it anymore
What's mine is yours
What's mine is yours
Yeah, yeah
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