Music Detail

Kane Brown - Granddaddy's Chair (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 20, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,013 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Kane Brown


Kane Brown (Deluxe Edition)

Lyrics Title

Granddaddy's Chair






I remember you in the rocking chair
I was in my boots and my underwear
Playing rodeo all night long

You used to count till it hit 8 seconds
When you hit 6 is the time you left us
But you're in my heart so I'll never be alone
I know you're watching over me

I hope one day I'll be the man you used to be
Quick to love and slow to anger
No, you never met a stranger
I hope one day when you're looking down on me
I make you smile
I make you proud
I may not be there now
But I hope one day I'll be man enough to be sitting there in my granddaddy's chair

You were 8 track, tapes and Conway Twitty
Road trip with Nana to Panama City
Everybody knew she was your girl
You taught me love
You taught me living
Cars and jokes and good catfishing
I gave you hell and you gave me the world
I'm sure missing you right now

I hope one day I'll be the man you used to be
Quick to love and slow to anger
No, you never met a stranger
I hope one day when you're looking down on me
I make you smile
I make you proud
I may not be there now
But I hope one day I'll be man enough to be sitting there in my granddaddy's chair
My granddaddy's chair

Yeah, I hope one day when you're looking down on me
I make you smile
I make you proud
I may not be there now
But I hope one day I'll be man enough to be sitting there in my granddaddy's chair
Oh yeah
In my granddaddy's chair

Rest in peace, I love you granddaddy
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