Emeli Sande - Hurts (Bentley Grey Remix)

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Emeli Sande - Hurts (Bentley Grey Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on January 06, 2019. Published the day it was watched 629 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Emeli Sandé

Lyrics Title

Hurts (Bentley Grey Remix)




Pop Folk Funk/Soul Rock World Country


Baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts
Loving you the way I do, it hurts

Hold tight, it's a sing-along
I'm alright, I'm alright, but I could be wrong, baby
I know you remember me
5'3" in the back of the library, come on
You could at least try, look at me
Ah man, ah man, what a tragedy, ha-ha
Bang, bang, there goes paradise
Ah shit, why we always have to roll the dice, la-la
Hearts beating irregular
Two seats in the back of the cinema, hazy
Ah yeah, you forgetting that
And all the mad shit we did after that, crazy
Your heart's a cold November
I swear you're giving me shivers, shivers

Baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts
Loving you the way I do, it hurts
When all that's left to do is watch it burn
Oh baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts

Hold on, it's a marathon
Run fast, run fast like the rivers run, goddamn
Another scene in the restaurant
Ah, took a minute 'til the penny dropped, you know
My tears don't fall too often
But your knife is cutting me deep
Deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep

Baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts
Loving you the way I do, it hurts
When all that's left to do is watch it burn
Oh yeah, baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts

It hurts the way that you pretend you don't remember
It hurts the way that you forget our times together
Like the time late in bed when you said it's forever, baby
I can't, I can't explain no more

Baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts
Loving you the way I do, it hurts
When all that's left to do is watch it burn
Oh baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts

Oh baby, I'm not made of stone, it hurts
Loving you the way I do, it hurts
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