Less Than Jake - Overrated (Everything Is)

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Music Detail

Less Than Jake - Overrated (Everything Is) was added to the Free2Music database on January 25, 2019. Published the day it was watched 642 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Less Than Jake


In With the Out Crowd

Lyrics Title

Overrated (Everything Is)






Maybe I'm jaded and bored
Always lookin' for more
Waiting around for the next big fix
I know
I'm a wreck I'm a mess
But I couldn't care less
Don't know what it would take to change me

Everybody is so afraid to be different
Please excuse me now if I don't get it

Having sex is overrated
So is always getting wasted
Designer drugs and dead end jobs and
Classic rock is so outdated
I'm so sick of therapy and all the things it's done to me
How can I be satisfied when everything is overrated?

Maybe the problem is me
But I won't make believe
And I can't take this mediocrity
What if this is a test and I deserve what I get
Will I wake up with all the answers?

Everybody is too afraid to be different
Please excuse me now if I don't listen

Having sex is overrated
So is always getting wasted
Designer drugs and dead-end jobs and
Classic rock is so outdated
I'm so sick of therapy and all the things it's done to me
How can I be satisfied when everything is overrated?

Wo-oh [x6]
When everything is overrated
Wo-oh [x6]
When everything is overrated

Can't stand the normal
Can't stand the ordinary
Find me anything
That's extraordinary
Show me something
Show me anything
Am I the only one?
Am I the only one?

Having sex is overrated
So is always getting wasted
All my friends and family
They make my life so complicated
I'm so sick of apathy and TV show reality
How can I be satisfied when everything is overrated?

Wo-oh [x6]
When everything is overrated
Wo-oh [x6]
When everything is overrated
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