Tim Deluxe - Let The Beat Roll (feat. Audio Bullys)

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Tim Deluxe - Let The Beat Roll (feat. Audio Bullys) was added to the Free2Music database on January 27, 2019. Published the day it was watched 680 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Tim Deluxe


Let the Beats Roll

Lyrics Title

Let the Beats Roll






I've spend a long time waiting in the background
But it's all cool cause I'm definitely back now
Now let the beats roll...
It's been a sure time waiting on the budge
And then the music comes to get me like a surge
If I sat there doing nothing with my bass
How could I ever expect to get paid
Now let the beats roll...
It's been a sure time waiting on the budge
And then the music comes to get me like a surge
If I sat there doing nothing with my bass
How could I ever expect to get paid
Now let the beats roll...
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