Music Detail

Infernal - From Paris To Berlin was added to the Free2Music database on December 17, 2018. Published the day it was watched 622 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






From Paris to Berlin (US version)

Lyrics Title

From Paris to Berlin




Dance Pop


From Paris to Berlin
And every disco I get in
My heart is pumping for love
Pumping for love
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
And all the things we could do
My heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you
From Paris to Berlin
And every disco I get in
My heart is pumping for love
Pumping for love
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
And all the things we could do
My heart is pumping for love
Patience is a game
And every night I say your name
Hoping that you'll answer
'Cause I'm going insane
It's quite along time ago
You brought me out of control
Hungry for you love
And like I know what that might be
From Paris to Berlin
And every disco I get in
My heart is pumping for love
Pumping for love
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
And all the things we could do
My heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you
Teasing was the thing
And now I just can't let it go
Maiden you were something no-one else needs to know
I guess I'm thinking of you
Like I would know what to do
When I found you, but I don't
Have got no clue
From Paris to Berlin
And every disco I get in
My heart is pumping for love
Pumping for love
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
And all the things we could do
My heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you,
From Paris to Berlin
And every disco I get in
My heart is pumping for love
Pumping for love
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
And all the things we could do
My heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you
From Paris to Berlin
And every disco I get in
My heart is pumping for love
Pumping for love
'Cause when I'm thinking of you
And all the things we could do
My heart is pumping for love
You left me longing for you (x5)
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