KYLE - Don't Wanna Fall In Love (prod. M-Phazes)

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KYLE - Don't Wanna Fall In Love (prod. M-Phazes) was added to the Free2Music database on February 11, 2019. Published the day it was watched 576 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Smyle (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

Don't Wanna Fall In Love






What's up!
Aww dammit baby you bad
Yeah yeah yeah, heard you got a boyfriend
That's cool girl where is he at?
Oh he fucked up
You lucked up
You done ran into the mu'fucking man
I'm gonna make you my bae for a day
He should be happy I'm giving you back
Cause I can make you wifey for a week
We can spend a weekend in Japan
If anyone fuck with my accent
Tell them they'll get fucking Jackie Chaned
Honestly I'm better as your boy
I'd be kinda shitty as your man
Let's go back to only being friends
Sorry girl I hope you understand

(It's just)
I don't want to fall in love
Love cuts just like a knife
(That's right)
You make the knife feel good
(So good, So good)
I'll fight you till the end

(It's just)
I don't want to fall in love
Love cuts just like a knife
(That's right)
You make the knife feel good
(So good, So good)
I'll fight you till the end

I wasn't leading you on girl
I just forgot where I was going
I got way too attached
That wasn't the plan
And I knew a girl just like you once
We ended up hating each other
Cause we couldn't let it end
That can't happen again, no

I don't want to fall in love
(No no)
Love cuts just like a knife
You make the knife feel good
I'll fight you till the end
I don't want to fall in love
(No no)
Love cuts just like a knife
I don't want to fall in love
(No no)
Love cuts just like a knife
You make the knife feel good
I'll fight you till the end

Someone put em up ding-ding-ding
Pulling my heart strings zing-zing-zing
But I'm trying to let go
But its hard enough to leave you alone with the phone goin ring ring ring
Please let me go
Cause I don't want to fall in love
Cause the last time left me cold
When she left my house she didn't even let me know
Nigga she ain't even leave me notes
Part of the reason I'm easily hurt
Part of the reason I'm leaving you first
Pardon that, part of me give my apologies
I know that working on it never works
I'm sorry it's you but hey what should I do?
Be happy with lies? Or be sad with the truth?
Don't be ashamed you see love is a game and I still want to play
I'm just too scared to lose and I know you are too

I don't wanna fall in love
(But it's good, you know?)
Love cuts just like a knife
(I mean were young we don't need to be all tied down)
You make the knife feel good
(Honestly fuck this shit, let's just boogie, alright?)
I'll fight you till the end

I don't want to fall in love
(No no)
Love cuts just like a knife
You make the knife feel good
I'll fight you till the end

I don't want to fall in love
(No no)
Love cuts just like a knife
You make the knife feel good
I'll fight you till the end
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