Dani Moreno - Domino (feat. Jackie Sagana)

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Dani Moreno - Domino (feat. Jackie Sagana) was added to the Free2Music database on February 15, 2019. Published the day it was watched 599 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Dani Moreno

Lyrics Title

Domino (feat. Jackie Sagana)






Made up you and me
Can't make it on my own
I need to keep my heart straight

Bouncing on the ground
Gotta get out of my town
Not far enough from my heart break.

The promises, that promise me
That you got in my head
I'm losing touch
I'm messing up
And I just can't stop this

Falling like a domino do do domino
Falling like a domino do do domino

I'm stuck in this night
I'm praying for time
I know that I nausea this escape tonight

Falling like a domino -- domino

You took away my doubt
Didn't give me any choice
You made me dare
I pray for
How did you get me here
Breaking all the rules
Making all of the wrong come

A promises, that promise me
That you got in my head
I'm losing touch
I'm messing up
And I just can't stop this

Falling like a domino do do domino
Falling like a domino do do domino

I'm stuck in this night
I'm praying for time
I know that I nausea this escape tonight

Falling like a domino --domino

What's up boy?
Tell me what did you claim to me
You blow my mind you're teasing me
You're kidding my life
Caressing me

I don't wanna play
Living on this silly game
You say
Eeee HOoooo
Don't make me hesitate
Cause this is not my plan

Falling like a domino do do domino
Falling like a domino do do domino

I'm stuck in this night
I'm praying for time
I know that I nausea this escape tonight

Falling like a domino do do domino
Falling like a domino do do domino

I'm stuck in this night
I'm praying for time
I know that I nausea this escape tonight

Falling like a domino --domino
What's up boy?
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