Gucci Mane, Bruno Mars, Kodak Black - Wake Up in The Sky

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Music Detail

Gucci Mane, Bruno Mars, Kodak Black - Wake Up in The Sky was added to the Free2Music database on November 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 694 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Gucci Mane, Bruno Mars, Kodak Black

Lyrics Title

Wake Up in The Sky






Fly, fly, fly
It's Gucci (It's Gucci)
Huh? Fly (Woo)

I drink 'til I'm drunk (Yeah), smoke 'til I'm high (Yeah)
Castle on the hill (Well damn), wake up in the sky
You can't tell me I ain't fly (You can't tell me I ain't fly)
I know I'm super fly (I know), I know I'm super fly (I know)
The ladies love the luxury (Yeah)
That's why they all fuck with me (Woo)
Out here with the moves (moves) like I invented smooth
You can't tell me I ain't fly (You can't tell me I ain't fly)
I know I'm super fly (I know), I know I'm super fly

Huh, huh, huh
I stay fresh as hell, take a pic, I might as well, hell
Drop the top and take a selfie, my car drives itself
I got white girls blushin', homie, college girls rushin' on me (Woo)
All my diamonds custom so they clutchin' and they touchin' on me
Ooh, pick his vegetables
Ooh, that kid's edible
Ooh, it's incredible
Ooh, ooh, ooh
I smell like Bond Number 9, nine
Section full of fine dimes
Bitches starin' at me sayin', "Wow"
Unforgettable like Nat King Cole
Gucci Barry White, I'm singing to your ho (Well damn)
A one man show, a human bank roll (Woah)
She lost in the sauce 'cause Gucci got the glow (Huh)

I drink 'til I'm drunk (Brra), smoke 'til I'm high (It's Guc')
Castle on the hill (Heh), wake up in the sky (You won't)
You can't tell me I ain't fly (you can't tell me I ain't fly)
I know I'm super fly (I know), I know I'm super fly (I know)
The ladies love the luxury, that's why they all fuck with me
Out here with the moves like I invented smooth
You can't tell me I ain't fly (You can't tell me I ain't fly)
I know I'm super fly (I know), I know I'm super fly (I know)

Now watch me fly, fly
Now watch me fly, fly
You can't tell me I ain't fly
You can't tell me I ain't fly
I know I'm super fly, I know I'm super fly

Kodak, Kodak
Mine so fly, don't need no flight attendant
Big Cuban link, don't need no pendant
I ain't never had no pot to piss in, yeah
Now all my records trendin'
Oh my, I came from stealing bikes to flying on a G5
I don't know why I been smokin' this Cherry Pie so much
But this my life
I'm on adderall, I be smellin' Hi-Tec when I piss
Like it's basketball, I drop 50-pointer on my wrist
It's Lil Kodak, take a pic
I came home to drop the heat
All these diamonds got me sick, I'm actin' spoiled (woo)
Cutlass sittin' high, I feel like I can fly
So fresh to death it's crazy, feel like I can die
I done finally got my wings, they make me wanna sing (Glee)

I drink 'til I'm drunk ('Til I'm drunk), smoke 'til I'm high ('Til I'm high)
Castle on the hill (Ayy), wake up in the sky
You can't tell me I ain't fly (You can't tell me I ain't fly, baby)
I know I'm super fly (I know it), I know I'm super fly (I know it)
The ladies love in luxury (right), that's why they all fuck with me (Ayy)
Out here with the moves like I invented smooth (Yo, yo)
You can't tell me I ain't fly (You can't tell me I don't fly, baby)
I know I'm super fly (I know it),
I know I'm super fly (I know it)

Now, now watch me fly, fly
Now watch me fly, fly
You can't tell me I ain't fly
I know I'm super fly, I know I'm super fly
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