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Ciara - Promise was added to the Free2Music database on February 05, 2019. Published the day it was watched 891 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






The Evolution (Bonus Track Edition)

Lyrics Title





R&B Soul


Come enjoy the night
Baby take a ride
I just wanna find you (you) you (you)

Baby you and I can have a good time
Tell me what you like ooh ooh

Now listen, I've been single for a while now
And I been kinda lonely
I've been looking for somebody to talk to, love me
Someone who can hold me
Is that you?

I'm looking for somebody I can call boo
Looking for the only one who I can give my all to
Tell me if it's you, you, you
What you gonna do, do, do
Make a move

You can be my teacher, I'll do homework
You can give me extra credit baby
I'll do more work
What you gonna do, do, do
Now it's me and you, you, you

Move so right
How it feels so right
You can be my prince, my knight
You can be my superman
Save me here I am
'cause baby

There's nothing I won't do
To spend my life with you
I'll give my love to you
I promise that I will never lie to you boy
This love we have is true
To spend my life with you
I'll give my heart to you
I promise that I will never lie to you boy

You and me together picture perfect
I'll spend all my money, all my time
Because you're worth it
It's just me and you, you, you
What you gonna do, do, do
Make a move

Call me mama, spoil you like a baby
Thinking 'bout you, dreaming 'bout you
Got me going crazy
What you wanna do, do, do
Now it's me and you, you, you
Move it

Move so right
How it feels so right
You can be my prince, my knight, oh
You can be my superman
Save me here I am

There's nothing I won't do (no, no)
To spend my life with you (life with you)
I'll give my love to you (I'll give my all)
I promise that I will never lie to you boy
There's nothing I won't do (nothing I won't do)
To spend my life with you (you)
I'll give my heart to you (yeah)
I promise that I will never lie to you boy


I mean everything that I say
From the bottom of my heart
I will never, never, ever, hurt you
I'll open my heart

I'll open my heart and give it to you
Tell the whole world that I'm in love with you
Whatever you want, baby I'll do
I know I don't want nobody else but you

There's nothing I won't do (there's nothing I won't do baby)
To spend my life with you (to spend my life with you)
I'll give my love to you
I promise that I will never lie to you boy (oh)
There's nothing I won't do (nothing)
To spend my life with you (oh)
I'll give my heart to you
(I will give my all to you, my baby boo, my love is true, oh)
I promise that I will never lie to you boy

Baby boy you got me
I've been waiting, waiting, waiting for you
You can be my homie
I'll be waiting, waiting, waiting for you
Baby come and hold me
I'll be waiting, waiting, waiting for you
You can be my one and only
You can be my one and only
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