Enrique Iglesias - Don't Turn Off The Lights

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Enrique Iglesias - Don't Turn Off The Lights was added to the Free2Music database on February 06, 2019. Published the day it was watched 743 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Enrique Iglesias



Lyrics Title

Don't Turn Off the Lights






I don't have to tell you
What this is all about
'Cause baby half the fun is

In us figuring it all out

So why you gotta ask me
What I'm doing now
'Cause I don't like to question
What I still haven't found

So don't turn off the lights
I don't wanna be in the dark tonight
'Cause I can't read your mind
I need to know if what I'm doing is right
So don't turn off the lights
So don't turn off the lights

So tell me how were gonna get you
It's so hard to even try
But if we move together
We'll end up on the same side

So don't turn off the lights
I don't wanna be in the dark tonight
'Cause I can't read your mind
I need to know if what I'm doing is right
So don't turn off the lights
So don't turn off the lights

If you could know what I'm feeling
Would you run and where would you go
If you want to know what I'm thinking
Then just turn on the lights and you'll know

So don't turn off the lights
I don't wanna be in the dark tonight
Cause I can't read your mind
I need to know if what I'm doing is right
So don't turn off the lights

So don't turn off the lights
I don't wanna be in the dark tonight
Cause I can't read your mind
I need to know if what I'm doing is right
So don't turn off the lights
So don't turn off the lights
So don't turn off the lights
So don't turn off the light
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