Rita Ora - Poison (Myles James Vocal Remix) (Audio)

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Rita Ora - Poison (Myles James Vocal Remix) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 23, 2018. Published the day it was watched 693 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Rita Ora

Lyrics Title





Electronic Pop


I could have beer for breakfast, my sanity for lunch
Tryin' to get over how bad I want you so much
Innocence for dinner, pour somethin' in my cup
Anything and everything just to fill me up
But nothing ever gets me high like this

I picked my poison and it's you
Nothing can kill me like you do
You're goin' straight to my head
And I'm headin' straight for the edge
I picked my poison and it's you
I picked my poison and it's you

I can feel your whisper and layin' on the floor
I tried to stop, but I keep on comin' back for more
I'm a lightweight and I know it
Cause after the first time I was fallin', fallin' down
But nothing ever gets me high like this

I picked my poison and it's you
Nothing can kill me like you do
You're goin' straight to my head
And I'm headin' straight for the edge
I picked my poison and it's you
I picked my poison and it's you

I love bittersweet ecstasy that you got me in
Fallin' deep, I can sleep tonight
And you make me feel like I'm out of my mind
But it's alright, it's alright, it's alright

Bittersweet ecstasy that you got me in
Fallin' deep, I can sleep tonight
And you make me feel like I'm out of my mind
But it's alright, it's alright, it's alright
Nothing ever gets me high like this

I picked my poison and it's you
Nothing can kill me like you do
You're goin' straight to my head
And I'm headin' straight for the edge
I pick my poison and it's you
(Ohh it's you)
I pick my poison and it's you
And it's you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I pick my poison and it's you
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