Rita Ora - Keep Talking (feat. Julia Michaels)

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Rita Ora - Keep Talking (feat. Julia Michaels) was added to the Free2Music database on January 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 672 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Rita Ora



Lyrics Title

Keep Talking (feat. Julia Michaels)






You can say what you want
You can like me or not
Give it all that you got

Keep talking
Know what you whisper about
From the side of your mouth
Let it keep coming out
Keep talking

But I'll take the higher-igher-igher, high road
I'll take the high road all the way home
I'll take the higher, higher-igher, high road
All the way home, all the way home

'Cause there's nothing you can say to me
That I haven't said to myself
There's nothing you can make me feel
That I haven't already felt
No, there's nothing you can say to me
That I haven't said to myself
I'll take the higher-igher-igher, high road
Keep talking

Keep talking

You can roll it on out
I could roll it right back
And embellish the facts
I promise

But I'll take the higher-igher-igher, high road
I'll take the high road all the way home
I'll take the higher-igher-igher, high road
All the way home, all the way home

'Cause there's nothing you can say to me
That I haven't said to myself
There's nothing you can make me feel
That I haven't already felt
No, there's nothing you can say to me
That I haven't said to myself
I'll take the higher-igher-igher, high road
Keep talking

Keep talking
Keep talking
Keep talking

Ooh, ooh, always your second hand news
Yeah, you got more lies than truth
Don't know what you're trying, what you're trying to do, ooh

'Cause there's nothing you can say to me
That I haven't said to myself (Said to myself)
There's nothing you can make me feel (Make me feel)
That I haven't already felt
No, there's nothing you can say to me (Say to me)
That I haven't said to myself
I'll take the higher-igher-igher, high road
Keep, keep, keep talking

Keep talking
Keep talking
Keep talking
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