Rita Ora - New Look

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Rita Ora - New Look was added to the Free2Music database on January 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 852 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Rita Ora


Phoenix (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

New Look






Oooh, oooh

See, it's not that I don't trust you

I just wanna know every place that you go, everyone that you know
Everything that you do, every single move you make
And I ain't tryna play the victim, but I got my suspicions
Say you're alone, I can hear on the phone
Someone else in the back, what she doing, what she asking

What you gonna do when the sun goes down?
Who you're gonna love when I'm not around?

If you find a new look now
Would you kick the old one out?
If you find a new look now
Would you kick the old one out?
If you find a new look now

See it's not that I'm psycho
We both know it isn't my fault
You were the one who was out having fun
I've been out, on the grind, I've been working all the time
And I ain't tryna play the victim, but I got my suspicions
Say you're alone, but if you ain't alone
You should say to me now
I ain't gonna stick around, say

What you're gonna do when the sun goes down
Who you're gonna love when I'm not around?

If you find a new look now
Would you kick the old one out?
If you find a new look now
Would you kick the old one out?
If you find a new look now, right now, right now
If you find a new look now (right now, right now)
If you find a new look now

Ooh, yeah yeah
Yeah, if you are
Oh, if you are
What you gonna do when the sun goes down? (Wooh)
Who you're gonna love when I'm not around?

If you find a new look now
Would you kick the old one out?
If you find a new look now
Would you kick the old one out?
If you find a new look now, right now, right now
If you find a new look now, right now, right now
If you find a new look now
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