Music Detail

Rita Ora - First Time High was added to the Free2Music database on January 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 862 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Rita Ora


Phoenix (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

First Time High






Midnight by a fire on the beach
At the end of my best friend's street
In the woods hiding behind the tree

It was love, at least I thought it was

After school in the parking lot
At the party I've been taking some shots
In the place where we might get caught
It was love, or something from above

I never thought I could feel the way that it used to feel, yeah
Until you proved me wrong

You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh
But this time not giving up
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh
This time not quiting, yeah

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Let me get high on ya
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Let me get high on ya

At the mall in the dressing room
In the dark, lying under the moon
Backseat of your mom's Malibu
It was love, at least I thought it was

I never thought I could feel the way that it used to feel, yeah
Until you proved me wrong

You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh
But this time not giving up
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh
This time not quitting, yeah

Ooh, ooh, ooh
Let me get high on ya
Ooh, ooh, ooh
Let me get high on ya

After school in the parking lot
At the party I've been taking some shots
In the place where we might get caught
It was love

You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh
But this time not giving up
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like the first time high, my love
You hit me like, ooh-ooh-ooh
This time not quitting, yeah

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Let me get high on ya
La la la la
La la la la, yeah, yeah
Let me get high on ya
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