Rita Ora - Body on Me (feat. Chris Brown) (Zac Samuel Remix Edit) (Audio)

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Rita Ora - Body on Me (feat. Chris Brown) (Zac Samuel Remix Edit) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 18, 2019. Published the day it was watched 734 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Rita Ora

Lyrics Title

Body On Me (Feat. Chris Brown)






Baby, let's cut down the lights
I just really wanna let this fire burn bright
I'm just telling you to have an open mind
Just imagine us

You're taking me there, you're taking me there
Our lips are barely touching
So do it again, so do it again
We could be on to something

Heyo, heyo, I just wanna feel your body on me
Heyo, heyo, if you want it then you got it, hold me
No more, no more wasting time
We can, we can go all night
Heyo, heyo, I just wanna feel your body on me
Body on me
Body on me

Put you up against the wall
And I'ma go to work 'til you get off
Baby, soon as you're done we'll go some more
Girl, just imagine us

You're taking me there, you're taking me there
Our lips are barely touching
So do it again, so do it again
We could be on to something

Heyo, heyo, I just wanna feel your body on me
Heyo, heyo, if you want it then you got it, hold me
No more, no more wasting time
We can, we can go all night
Heyo, heyo, I just wanna feel your body on me
Body on me
Your body on me
Your body on me

I'm not asking for too much, put your fingertips on me
Don't wait 'til the sun's up, we can keep this in between
Us, only nobody has to know what's going down right now baby

Heyo, heyo, I just wanna feel your body on me
Heyo, heyo, if you want it then you got it, hold me
No more, no more wasting time
We can, we can go all night
Heyo, heyo, I just wanna feel your body on me
Body on me
Your body on me
Body on me
Body on me
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