Rita Ora - Falling To Pieces

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Music Detail

Rita Ora - Falling To Pieces was added to the Free2Music database on December 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 751 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Rita Ora


Phoenix (Deluxe)

Lyrics Title

Falling to Pieces






You come, I go
When I'm high, you're low (lo-w)
Taking shots on the frontline

Not love, but we had the time

You're such a fool but so am I (La la la)
I'm maybe twisted, you're unkind (La la la)
I wanna know what's on your mind (La la la)
You do the same thing every night (La la la)

We're falling to pieces
All of the pieces come undone
We're falling to pieces
All of the pieces one by one

Falling to Pieces
One by one

Kind of silver line, intend gold
Another story untold
Why do we even try?
Not outta love, but we had the time

You're such a fool but so am I (La la la)
I'm maybe twisted, you're unkind (La la la)
I wanna know what's on your mind (La la la)
You do the same thing every night (La la la)

We're falling to pieces
All of the pieces come undone
We're falling to pieces
All of the pieces one by one

Falling to Pieces (La La La)
Falling to Pieces (La La La)
One by one

Da da da!
Da da da!
Bum bum!

You're such a fool but so am I (La la la)
I'm maybe twisted, you're unkind (La la la)
I wanna know what's on your mind (La la la)
You do the same thing every night (La la la)

We're falling to pieces
All of the pieces come undone
We're falling to pieces
All of the pieces one by one

Falling to Pieces
Falling to Pieces
One by one
Falling to Pieces
Falling to Pieces
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