Becky G - Lovin' So Hard (Audio)

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Becky G - Lovin' So Hard (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 18, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,049 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Becky G

Lyrics Title

Lovin' So Hard






You're the one I wanna talk about
Had a few but you knock them out
Might just let you meet my mama now
Might just let you lock it, lock it down
Guess I've been loving how you are with me
Ain't no fussing ain't no arguing
Every player need a partner
Tell me baby who you're flying with?

Like ooh ah, wanna be around you
Got me breaking all of my rules
It's all the little things that you do
That got me like ooh

When I wake up
You're the first thing that comes to mind
Wanna see you like all the time
Yeah we be lovin' so hard
When I wake up
You're the first thing that comes to mind
Wanna see you like all the time
Yeah we be lovin' so hard

We be lovin'
We be lovin' so hard
We be lovin'
We be lovin' so hard
Ain't nobody love him like I love him
Ain't nobody's killing
Damn we be lovin' hard
We be lovin'
We be lovin' so hard
We be lovin'
We be lovin' so hard
I'm missing when I'm holding him
Missing when I'm kissing him
Damn we be lovin' hard

Tryna find, find the words to say, words to say
To describe what you mean to me, mean to me
Side by side like the ying and yang, ying and yang
Like the stair up to my little wing

And it'd be hard, it'd be harder times
But in the dark boy you are my light, are my light
The boom boom to my dynamite, dynamite
Baby you, you my ride or die

Like ooh ah, wanna be around you
Got me breaking all of my rules
It's all the little things that you do
That got me like ooh

When I wake up
You're the first thing that comes to mind
Wanna see you like all the time
Yeah we be lovin' so hard
When I wake up
You're the first thing that comes to mind
Wanna see you like all the time
Yeah we be lovin' so hard

We be lovin'
We be lovin' so hard
We be lovin'
We be lovin' so hard
Ain't nobody love him like I love him
Ain't nobody's killing
Damn we be lovin' hard
We be lovin'
We be lovin' so hard
We be lovin'
We be lovin' so hard
I'm missing when I'm holding him
Missing when I'm kissing him
Damn we be lovin' hard
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