Becky G - Can't Get Enough (feat. Pitbull)

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Music Detail

Becky G - Can't Get Enough (feat. Pitbull) was added to the Free2Music database on December 18, 2018. Published the day it was watched 789 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Becky G

Lyrics Title

Can't Get Enough (feat. Pitbull)




Pop Hip-Hop Latin


Yeah, Pit, thanks for the introduction
When I rap no interruption
From the back but we in the front now
Fired up, too hot to touch, ow
Little miss 3-1-O
Countdown, we're about to blow
Jump on if you're ready to go
Up, up and around the globe

Quiero ver toda mi gente
Cali girls get muy caliente
Oh, we so diferente
Hands up from the back to the frente
Don't matter what you're reppin' man
Inglewood to the foreign land
All night long and do it again
All night long and do it again

The music taking me higher, moving my body
Keep turning it up, yeah, I can't get enough, yeah
I'm feeling inspired, don't want you to stop it
Keep turning it up, yeah, I can't get enough, yeah
We dance in the streets, we rock to the beat
We sing from our hearts
Got this on repeat, we're all off our seats
Reachin' for the stars

P to the I, I to the T
I see the future, Becky to the G
I own companies, yeah, that's sweet
I also own the culture, yeah, that's me
I see the vultures, I love 'em to death
It's for the cream, shout out to Meth
The world is mine, who wanna bet?
4, 5, 6 I'm stopping the bank

I see them boys switching up lanes
Cause they see the way I'm flipping the game
I'm Jordan, their pimping man
I'm scoring they slipping, man
They falling and tripping, man
Come on baby, let's do this thang
All night long and do it again
All night long and do it again

The music taking me higher, moving my body
Keep turning it up, yeah, I can't get enough, yeah
I'm feeling inspired, don't want you to stop it
Keep turning it up, yeah, I can't get enough, yeah
We dance in the streets, we rock to the beat
We sing from our hearts
Got this on repeat, we're all off our seats
Reachin' for the stars

We got that fire, they want that fire
Let's give 'em that fire, fire
Tenemos, fuego, quieren, fuego
Hay que darles fuego, fuego
We got that fire
They want that fire
Let's give 'em that fire, fire
Tenemos, fuego
Quieren, fuego
Hay que darles fuego, fuego

The music taking me higher, moving my body
Keep turning it up, yeah, I can't get enough, yeah
I'm feeling inspired, don't want you to stop it
Keep turning it up, yeah, I can't get enough, yeah
We dance in the streets, we rock to the beat
We sing from our hearts
Got this on repeat, we're all off our seats
Reachin' for the stars

Keep turning it up, yeah, I can't get enough, yeah
Keep turning it up, yeah, I can't get enough, yeah
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