Becky G - Break A Sweat (Audio)

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Becky G - Break A Sweat (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 02, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,118 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Becky G

Lyrics Title

Break A Sweat






Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Don't get tired yet, tired yet
Don't get tired yet
Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Keep on doing it, doing it
Keep on doing it

Alright, alright
If you wanna get my body, better blow my mind
Okay, okay
Boy you better put in work if you wanna play
Alright, alright
I see you been looking at it all night, all night
Okay, okay
Saying that you got that game, baby demonstrate

Can you take me places I've never been
Never been before?
Give me loving 'til I just can't take it
Take it any more

Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Don't get tired yet, tired yet
Don't get tired yet
Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Keep on doing it, doing it
Keep on doing it

Let's go, let's go
You been talking all damn night, now it's time to show
Oh me, oh my
It's burning up in here, we 'bout to start a fire
Let's go, let's go
Hope you can handle it like a pro, like a pro
Oh me, oh my
Baby you can't be scared to put in overtime

Can you take me places I've never been
Never been before?
Give me loving 'til I just can't take it
Take it any more

Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Don't get tired yet, tired yet
Don't get tired yet
Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Keep on doing it, doing it
Keep on doing it

Keep it coming
Don't stop until the morning
Keep it coming

All or nothing
That's just the way I want it
All or nothing
Baby, baby, baby

Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Don't get tired yet, tired yet
Don't get tired yet
Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Keep on doing it, doing it
Keep on doing it

Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Don't get tired yet, tired yet
Don't get tired yet
Baby break a sweat, break a sweat
Baby break a sweat
Keep on doing it, doing it
Keep on doing it
Baby break a sweat
Alright, right
Baby break a sweat
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