Music Detail

Lil Yachty - Lady In Yellow (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 01, 2018. Published the day it was watched 765 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Yachty


Teenage Emotions

Lyrics Title

Lady In Yellow




Hip-Hop Rap


Little miss lady in the yellow, hello
Would you like to push petals through the meadow with me?
Little miss lady in the yellow, wassup?

I just got a question, baby, can I fuck on you?

I just want you here tonight
Can we chill tonight if the feeling's right?
I want you to chill with me
Little miss lady in the yellow
You play more games than Othello
Come kick it with a fellow, come chill with me
I'ma make you sing accapella
Put your diamonds up like Rocafella
We all in this together, just you and me

Little miss lady in the yellow, hello
Would you like to push petals through the meadow with me? (With me?)
Little miss lady in the yellow, wassup?
I just got a question, baby, can I fuck on you?

Damier prints on the pillow
Baby, come and sleep like a queen
Just let me in between, let me love on you
Breakdown, yellow dress, yellow skin
Yellow hair gettin' out a yellow taxi
Baby, where you goin'?
I just wanna get to know you
I just wanna get to fold ya
Truth be told, I just wanna tell all my friends that I told ya
After I beat it, molded it, licked it, flip it, turn it over
I just want to get to own it

We zonin', we zonin'
We zonin', baby girl, we zonin'
We zonin', baby girl, we zonin'
We zonin'

Little miss lady in the yellow, hello (yes, good vibes)
Would you like to push petals through the meadow with me? (With me? Good vibes)
Little miss lady in the yellow, wassup?
I just got a question, baby, can I fuck on you? (Good vibes)
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