Lil Yachty - No More (Audio)

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Lil Yachty - No More (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on November 28, 2018. Published the day it was watched 912 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Lil Yachty


Teenage Emotions

Lyrics Title

No More




Hip-Hop Rap


Hey, Lil Boat

I can't take no more, no more
I can't take no more, no more, no more
No more, no more
I can't take no more, no more
I can't take no more, no more
I can't take no more
I can't take no more

I can't keep fuckin' round with these bitches who don't want nothin' more than my money
I can't keep fuckin' round with these bitches, these bitches just want my money
They don't want me
I can't keep fuckin' round with these hoes, chicks, these bitches, they just want money
I can't keep dishin' out this money to these bitches, they don't want nothin' but my money
I can't take no more

I remember nights sleepin' on the floor
Now I got bitches out in Singapore
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
I got bitches out in Singapore
I remember ridin' 'round Seattle in that Maybach with Macklemore
I remember high school, lil homie had went to the league
Watching him do that let me know Lil Boat could do anything
And it's true, it's true

No more, no more
No more, no more
I can't take no more, no more
I can't take no more, no more, no more
No more, no more
I can't take no more, no more
I can't take no more, no more
I can't take no more
I can't take no more

I can't keep fuckin' round with these bitches who don't want nothin' more than my money
I can't keep fuckin' round with these bitches, these bitches just want my money
They don't want me
I can't keep fuckin' round with these hoes, chicks, these bitches, they just want money
I can't keep dishin' out this money to these bitches, they don't want nothin' but my money
I can't take no more
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