Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude (Explicit)

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Jessie J - Do It Like A Dude (Explicit) was added to the Free2Music database on October 24, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,117 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Jessie J


Who You Are (Platinum Edition)

Lyrics Title

Do It Like a Dude






Hey, hey, hey, hey...
J-J-J-J-Jessie J

Stomp stomp, I've arrived
Drop the beat, nasty face
Why you looking at me?
Flying, flying, flying, flying through the sky
In my spaceship, I'm an alien tonight

Dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty sucker
You think I can't get hurt like you, you motherfucker?

I can do it like a brother, do it like a dude
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you
Do it like a brother, do it like a dude
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you
We can do it like the mandem, mandem, hey
We can do it like the mandem, sugar, sugar, sugar
We can do it like the mandem, mandem, hey
We can do it like the mandem, sugar, sugar, sugar

Bang bang, hey, pour me a beer
No pretty drinks, I'm a guy out here
Rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling money like a pimp
My B-I-T-C-H's on my dick, like this

Dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty, dirty sucker
You think I can't get hurt like you, you motherfucker?

I can do it like a brother, do it like a dude
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you
Do it like a brother, do it like a dude
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you
We can do it like the mandem, mandem, hey
We can do it like the mandem, sugar, sugar, sugar
We can do it like the mandem, mandem, hey
We can do it like the mandem, sugar, sugar, sugar

Boys, come-come say what you wanna
Boys, you-you need to lick my dollar
Boys, g-getting hot under the collar
Holla, holla, woah
Boys, come-come say what you wanna
Boys, you-you need to lick my dollar
Boys, g-getting hot under the collar
Holla, holla, woah

I can do it like a brother, do it like a dude
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you
Do it like a brother, do it like a dude
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you

I can do it like a brother, do it like a dude
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you
Do it like a brother, do it like a dude
Grab my crotch, wear my hat low like you
We can do it like the mandem, mandem, hey
We can do it like the mandem, sugar, sugar, sugar
We can do it like the mandem, mandem, hey
We can do it like the mandem, sugar, sugar, sugar

Do it, do it like a dude
Do it, do it low like you
Do it, do it like a dude
Do it, do it, do it like a dude
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