Casely - Neva Fall

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Music Detail

Casely - Neva Fall was added to the Free2Music database on January 02, 2019. Published the day it was watched 599 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information





Lyrics Title

Neva Fall






Being her dance around like a leg of faith
Different page, acting dumb could never …
Love is like a faint heart so many rides
Eventually a bounty get lost inside
At the core that's been hurt more than the lie
Till yourself till you girl blurs after time
Looking like lately rough a ride so insane to give it up

Don't you ever fall in love unless you're ready for the fight
This type of pain you feel for life
And every night I'm on the run
So I will never fall in love cause I'm not ready for the fight
The last one in nearly had my life
You feel the burn of a million suns
So don't you ever fall in love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love

We found the love inside there will be no need to cry
You're stronger than your shield, don't you ever
Unless you run so high, but If you don't learn to fly
It will hurt your wings falling down you sing, if you ever fall in love
And then I'm ready for the fight
This type of pain you feel for life
So every night I'm on the run
So I won't ever fall in love cause I'm not ready for the fight
The last one in nearly had my life
You feel the burn of a millions suns
So don't you ever fall in love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love

Take it I don't need it, take it I don't need it
Take it all the way cause I don't wanna do with love of pain, it's a drug and I understand
Don't you ever fall in love, unless you're ready for the fight
This type of pain you feel for life
So every night I'm on the run
So I won't ever fall in love
Cause I'm not ready for the fight
The last one in nearly had my life
You feel the burn of a million suns
So don't you ever fall in love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love
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