Kygo - I See You (feat. Billy Raffoul) (Audio)

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Kygo - I See You (feat. Billy Raffoul) (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on February 27, 2019. Published the day it was watched 624 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Lyrics Title

I See You (feat. Billy Raffoul)






You're more than just a notch in my belt
A story to tell
The only thing on my mind
And it's keeping me up at night

I know you're making magic somewhere
But not by yourself
That might be the reason why
It's keeping me up at night

I can smell you on the pillow where you used to lay
And it's keeping me up at night
And it's keeping me up

Another night, another strangers door
Hoping when it opens I'll see you...

You're more than just a notch in my belt
A story to tell
The only thing on my mind
It's obvious I'm not doing well
Do you see these eyes, when have you known me to cry?

I'm just sitting here remembering how your lips taste
And it's keeping me up at night
And it's keeping me up

Another night, another strangers door
Hoping when it opens I'll see you...

Wishing I could go back
Wishing I could go back
Wishing I could go back
Wishing I could go back
To that night
To that strangers door
Knowing when it opened I'd see you...
That I'd see you
Hey, hey...
See you
See you
I'd see you
I'd see you
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