David Guetta & Afrojack ft Charli XCX & French Montana - Dirty Sexy Money (KIIDA remix) (audio)

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David Guetta & Afrojack ft Charli XCX & French Montana - Dirty Sexy Money (KIIDA remix) (audio) was added to the Free2Music database on December 06, 2018. Published the day it was watched 646 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




David Guetta & Afrojack

Lyrics Title

Dirty Sexy Money (feat. Charli XCX & French Montana)




Electronic Dance


Woah, woooh
I want you bad, want you bad, want you bad
Saw you in the moonlight
Think you lookin' fine, want you bad
Got me good, never turn back (oooh)
I make you mine, make you mine, make you mine
Coming for the taking, promise you are wearing the crown

Number one, spin your head around
Woooh, tell me what you want and I can do it to you
I'm a million dollars, make your wishes come true
Calling out you're, calling out, calling out you're

Never seen a girl like this before
If you wanna pu-pu-pu-pu-put it on me
You're not gonna ge-ge-ge-ge-get it for free
Come on spend that dirty sexy money on me, on me, on me
You got to pull up, pull up, pull up, pull up
If you wanna do-do-do-do-do it freaky
24/7, no-no-no-no-no sleep
Come on put that dirty sexy money on me, on me, on me

You got to pull up, pull up, pull up, pull up

Put your skin on my skin, on my skin
Love it when we touchin', love it when we fuckin', my love

Make you high in a heartbeat, yeah
Woooh, tell me what you want and I can do it to you
I'm a million dollars, make your wishes come true
Calling out you're, calling out, calling out you're

Never seen a girl like this before
If you wanna pu-pu-pu-pu-put it on me
You're not gonna ge-ge-ge-ge-get it for free
Come on spend that dirty sexy money on me, on me, on me
You got to pull up, pull up, pull up, pull up
If you wanna do-do-do-do-do it freaky
24/7, no-no-no-no-no sleep
Come on put that dirty sexy money on me, on me, on me

You got to pull up, pull up, pull up, pull up

Clap, clap, clap, clap
Go on move your body
Clap, clap, clap, clap
Baby move your body
Clap, clap, clap, clap
You ain't gotta fight it
Clap, clap, clap, clap
What you need, I got it
Louis shoes, cop boots, top down, you
Diamond juice, all I see is you, right now, you
All I want is you, you

Tunnel vision, you, you
All I need is you, I'ma put it on you (you)

If you wanna pu-pu-pu-pu-put it on me
You're not gonna ge-ge-ge-ge-get it for free
Come on spend that dirty sexy money on me, on me, on me
You got to pull up, pull up, pull up, pull up
If you wanna do-do-do-do-do it freaky
24/7, no-no-no-no-no sleep
Come on put that dirty sexy money on me, on me, on me
You got to pull up, pull up, pull up, pull up.
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