Music Detail

Chromatics - Blue Girl (Dean Hurley Remix) was added to the Free2Music database on November 22, 2018. Published the day it was watched 750 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Blue Girl - EP

Lyrics Title

Blue Girl






Blue girl
Don't hate the world
Your friends will never understand
What it's like for us

Blue bird
Don't say a word
Your voice will never be heard
In this endless night

They never understand
They never understand
They never understand
Why we say goodbye

Blue girl
Don't make a scene
Your eyes say more than they mean
Under flashing light

Blue one
Don't come undone
Make your place inside the sun
And leave this broken world

They never understand
They never understand
They never understand
Why we say goodbye

They never understand
They never understand
They never understand
Why we say goodbye

Blue girl
There's nothing wrong
There's somewhere I know we belong
But it's not this town

Blue thing
They pull the string
They think they own everything
Don't let it get you down
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