Chromatics - At Your Door (8 Track Version) Cherry LP

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Chromatics - At Your Door (8 Track Version) Cherry LP was added to the Free2Music database on January 11, 2019. Published the day it was watched 725 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information






Kill for Love

Lyrics Title

At Your Door






I don't know why
I knocked at your door
I don't know why
but i can't wait anymore

it's like we're all frozen now
just like ice in a glass
i didn't come here for answers
i just needed a laugh

when you look deep inside yourself
well tell me what do you see
confusion of time again (?)
or someplace frozen with me

you know love never turns out
the way we all plan
but the door is still open
so give me your hand
give me your hand
give me your hand

time is stretching on
and it keeps on repeating
as the beat goes on
our dreams have all vanished now
we really thought we could win

but the door is still open
so come on in
and give me your hand
give me your hand
give me your hand
give me your hand
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