Alain Clark - This Ain't Gonna Work

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Alain Clark - This Ain't Gonna Work was added to the Free2Music database on November 21, 2018. Published the day it was watched 690 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Alain Clark


Live It Out

Lyrics Title

This Ain't Gonna Work




Electronic Pop Blues Folk World Country Funk/Soul Hip-Hop Latin Rock Soul Jazz


No sight of improving
Were like a song that just ain't groovin'
Ow the harder we try

The more it seems that it's just not right

Ow baby, this ain't gonna work
(Baby baby, this ain't gonna work)
Ow baby, this ain't gonna work
(Baby baby, this ain't gonna work)

Girl we got to make some changes
We share the same bed but we're living like strangers
Ow and sure we get by
But if it ain't true
Then were livin'
Were livin' a lie, girl

Ow baby, this ain't gonna work
(Baby baby, this ain't gonna work)
Ow baby, this ain't gonna work
(Baby baby, this ain't gonna work)

Ow if it's up to you and me
Then why aren't we dancing, yeah, yeah
Ow I wish the powers that we
We work in our way
But that ain't like it is today

Ow and I really tryin' to feel you, girl
Yeah, I really, wanna want you babe
I'm not trying to leave you girl
But how am I gonna stay, when...

Ow baby, this ain't gonna work, no it ain't, you know, come on
(Baby baby, this ain't gonna work)
Ow baby, this ain't gonna work, yeah baby this ain't gonna work
(Baby baby, this ain't gonna work)

Ow baby, this ain't gonna work ow no no
Ow baby, I don't wanna make you feel bad, but this ain't gonna work
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