Alain Clark - Blow Me Away

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Alain Clark - Blow Me Away was added to the Free2Music database on December 09, 2018. Published the day it was watched 704 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Alain Clark


Live It Out

Lyrics Title

Blow Me Away




Electronic Pop Blues Folk Funk/Soul Hip-Hop Latin Rock Jazz World Country


Help me people now
Help me get the feeling back.
Got to get the spirit of the old days.
Where a song would get you to sing along.
And move you in a ballistic way.
Cause it seems these days that people with soul, are locked out at a closed door.
That our music is just for business
But uh i've heard it before.
I need someone to push my button
And blow me away.
Get down to the bone of me.
And blow me away...
I need a new kinda something
to blow me away, blow me away.
There's a cure y'all
Of that i'm sure
It's just a matter of expressing ourselves.
Get the horns out.
Bet that ain't been done by anyone else.
See it ain't no thing
But don't you get me wrong.
This ain't about talking full down.
Is it just my dream.
That people with a vision.
Start making some sound.
I need someone to push my button.
And blow me away.
Get down to the bone of me
And blow me away...
I need a new kinda something.
To blow me away, blow me away...
I need someone to push my button.
And blow me away.
Get down to the bone of me
And blow me away...
I need a new kinda something.
To blow me away, blow me away...
Hopes and dreams
Bout joy and pleasure
All through the beat of a song
Yeah now there's an old way to do it.
A new way to put it.
ooh if you let it
We'll get you straight at it.
The sound and the rythm
You've got to start feeling the love, love, love.
oh yeah
Blow me away, blow me away.
I need a new kinda something.
to blow me away, blow me away...
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