Colbie Caillat - Battle (AOL Sessions)

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Colbie Caillat - Battle (AOL Sessions) was added to the Free2Music database on February 02, 2019. Published the day it was watched 988 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Colbie Caillat



Lyrics Title







You thought we'd be fine
All these years gone by
Now you're asking me to listen
Well then tell me 'bout everything
No lies, we're losing time

'Cause this is a battle
And it's your final last call
It was a trial, you made a mistake, we know
But why aren't you sorry, why aren't you sorry, why?
This can be better, you used to be happy, try!

Ooh ooh
Ooh ooh

You've got them on your side
They won't change their minds
Now it's over and I'm feeling like
We've missed out on everything
I just hope it's worth the fight

'Cause this is a battle
And it's your final last call
(Why'd you have to let it go?)
It was a trial, you made a mistake, we know
(Can't you see you hurt me so?)
Why aren't you sorry, why aren't you sorry, why?
Things can be better, you could be happy, try!

Oh oh, oh oh, oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh
Oh oh, oh oh, oh

'Cause this is a battle
And it's your final last call
It was a trial, you made a mistake, we know
(Can't you see you hurt me so?)
But why aren't you sorry, why aren't you sorry, why?
This can be better, we can be happy, try!

Oh oh, oh oh, oh
'Cause this is a battle
This is a battle
Oh oh, oh oh, oh
And it's your final last call
Oh oh, oh oh, oh
'Cause this is a battle
This is a battle
Oh oh, oh oh, oh
And it's your final last call
This is a battle and it's your final last call
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