Colbie Caillat - Blaze (Lyric Video)

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Music Detail

Colbie Caillat - Blaze (Lyric Video) was added to the Free2Music database on February 01, 2019. Published the day it was watched 873 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Colbie Caillat


Gypsy Heart

Lyrics Title







We're boarding the night train
We're bored sunlight
We want moon rays and nitrate

We want silver and fire
Cause every day that we spend overthinking
Makes me wanna spend the night over drinking
If insane's the new sane
Then you're lost and gone wild

If the cops are all coming
We stay and not running
We'll be raging like crazy
Fly with me baby
Like we've only got tonight
It's gonna be the best night of our lives
If we're gonna go down in flames
Let's go out in a blaze
Go out in a blaze
Go out in a blaze

We're dancing on tables
We're kicking off shoes
We're sick of the same ol'
So we're singing like fools
Cut the Camus and the Jameson in the blue dream
Flipping cups, drifting up to the ceiling
You were breaking those tables
And we're bending those rules

If the cops are all coming
We stay and not running
We'll be raging like crazy
Fly with me baby
Like we've only got tonight
It's gonna be the best night of our lives
If we're gonna go down in flames
Let's go out in a blaze
Go out in a blaze
Go out in a blaze

Every night, every day
We light the sky
Up in a blaze
Shine like the stars
Burn like a flame
No we're never going out

Every night, every day
We light the sky
Up in a blaze
Shine like the stars
Burn like a flame
No we're never going out

If the cops are all coming
We stay and not running
We'll be raging like crazy
Fly with me baby
Like we've only got tonight
It's gonna be the best night of our lives
If we're gonna go down in flames
Let's go out in a blaze
Go out in a blaze
Go out in a blaze
Go out in a blaze
Go out in a blaze
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