Colbie Caillat - Christmas In The Sand

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Colbie Caillat - Christmas In The Sand was added to the Free2Music database on February 02, 2019. Published the day it was watched 788 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Colbie Caillat


Christmas In the Sand

Lyrics Title

Christmas In the Sand






I love Christmas in the snow
But Christmas in the sand, oh man
I tell that's where it's at

Hawaiian Tropic on my skin
Candy cane of peppermint
A hint of cocoa on my lips

Could've been the sun
Could've been the sea
Could've been my childhood fantasy

But I saw Santa in his bathing suit
Trying to catch a wave but he tried too soon
He laughed so hard that he could barely breathe
And washed up next to me

He said, "You look naughty but I'm sure you're nice"
He was soaking wet but he cracked a smile
With a present in his hand
He said, "It's Christmas in the sand"

I must have had too much to drink
Cause Rudolph's nose was shinin' green
I think, he was playing reindeer games on me

Santa only called him once
But you should have seen him run so fast
They were gone in a dash

Could've been the sun
Could've been the sea
Could've been my childhood fantasy

But I saw Santa in his bathing suit
Trying to catch a wave but he tried too soon
He laughed so hard that he could barely breathe
And washed up next to me

He said, "You look naughty but I'm sure you're nice"
He was soaking wet but he cracked a smile
With a present in his hand
He said, "It's Christmas in the sand"

Christmas in the sand (Whoa-oh-oh)
Christmas in the sand (Whoa-oh-oh)
Christmas in the sand (Whoa-oh-oh)

Don't need your winter coat
Don't need your winter hat
Just grab the one you love
And say you're never coming back

You'll see Santa in his bathing suit
Trying to catch a wave but he'll try too soon
He'll laugh so hard that he can barely breathe
That's what he did to me (That's what he did to me)

He said, "You look naughty but I'm sure you're nice" (Sure you're nice)
He was soaking wet but he cracked a smile (Cracked a smile)
With a present in his hand
He said, "It's Christmas in the sand" (Christmas in the sand)

Christmas in the sand (Whoa-oh-oh)
Christmas in the sand (Whoa-oh-oh)
Christmas in the sand (Whoa-oh-oh)
I love Christmas in the sand
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