Why Don't We - You and Me at Christmas (Acoustic Live Christmas Gift)

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Why Don't We - You and Me at Christmas (Acoustic Live Christmas Gift) was added to the Free2Music database on January 14, 2019. Published the day it was watched 1,052 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Why Don't We


A Why Don't We Christmas - EP

Lyrics Title

You and Me at Christmas






I know that it's a holiday
but I aint the same without you babe
it's been a while since I saw your face
and I've been missing you
remember whe we carved our name
in december when the winter came
it's been a while since I saw your face
wish i was kissing you
you're like cocoa on a christmas mornin'
skip the presents yeah
you're all I wanted
I wonder how it's been in california
do you remember?
you and me at christmas
you and me at christmas
you and me at christmas
you and me at christmas
I know that it's a holiday
and even though you're far away
I hung your stocking by the fireplace
cuz I've been missing you
and now you're standing at my door
looking even better than before
and though it's cold outside
my heart is warm
cuz now I'm kissing you
you're like cocoa on a christmas mornin'
skip the presents yeah
you're all I wanted
I wonder how it's been in california
do you remember?
you and me at christmas
you and me at christmas
you and me at christmas
you and me at christmas
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