Music Detail

Mariah Carey - Jesus Oh What a Wonderful Child (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 23, 2019. Published the day it was watched 709 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Mariah Carey


Merry Christmas

Lyrics Title

Jesus Oh What a Wonderful Child






Jesus, Jesus
Oh what a wonderful child
Jesus, Jesus (Jesus)

So lowly meek and mild
New life, new hope, new joy, he brings
Won't you listen to the angels sing
Glory, glory, glory
To the new born King

Jesus, Jesus (Jesus, Jesus)
Oh what a wonderful child
Jesus, Jesus (Jesus)
So lowly meek and mild (So lowly meek and mild)
New life, new hope, new joy,
he brings (New life, new hope, new joy, he brings)
Won't you listen to the angels sing
(Won't you listen to the angels sing)
Glory, glory, glory (Glory, glory, glory)
To the new born King

He was herald by the angels
Born in a lowly manger
The virgin Mary was his mother
And Joseph was his earthly father
Three wise men came from afar
They were guided by a shining star
To see King Jesus where he lay
In a manger filled with hay

Jesus, Jesus (Jesus, Jesus)
Oh what a wonderful child (Oh what a wonderful child)
Jesus, Jesus (Jesus, Jesus)
So lowly meek and mild (So lowly meek and mild)
Oh, new joy he brings (Oh, new joy he brings)
Won't you listen to the angels sing
(Won't you listen to the angels sing)
Glory, Glory...
To the new born King

Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Jesus (Jesus)
Mary's baby (Jesus)
Lamb of God (Jesus)
Heavenly Child (Jesus)
Jesus (Jesus)
Jesus (Jesus)
I Love Him (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
All Mighty God (Jesus)
King of kings (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh, oh, oh, Jesus (Jesus)
Wonderful, wonderful one (Jesus)
Oh, oh (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Son of God (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Glory, glory, glory, glory
To the new born King,(To the new born King) yeah
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
Oh Jesus (Jesus)
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