Music Detail

Colbie Caillat - Bubbly (AOL Sessions) was added to the Free2Music database on February 02, 2019. Published the day it was watched 772 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Colbie Caillat



Lyrics Title







Will you count me in?

I've been awake for a while now

You got me feelin' like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face...
I get "the tinglies" in a silly place

It starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now

Just take your time
Wherever you go
The rain is fallin' on my window pane
But we are hidin' in a safer place

Under cover stayin' dry and warm
You give me feelings that I adore
They start in my toes
Make me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know

That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time

Wherever you go
But what am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way?
I just... mmmmm...
And it starts in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose

Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now

Just take your time
Wherever you go
I've been asleep for a while now
You tuck me in just like a child now
'Cause every time you hold me in your arms
I'm comfortable enough to feel your warmth
It starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feelin' shows
'Cause you make me smile
Baby, just take your time now
Holdin' me ti-i-ight
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Oh, wherever you go
I always know
'Cause you make me smile
Even just for a while
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