Colbie Caillat - Hold On (Lyric)

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Colbie Caillat - Hold On (Lyric) was added to the Free2Music database on February 02, 2019. Published the day it was watched 816 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Colbie Caillat

Lyrics Title

Hold On






I'm feeling further, feeling further from you every day
You're in the stars, in the stars, yeah
You're worlds away

I'm moving on, moving on, then I hear you say
Hold on, hold on
We're losing light, losing light, yeah
We're fading fast
We had a fire, need a spark, or we'll never last
Just look at me, look at me, I've been burning for you
So long, so long

I should walk away

(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I look at you and
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I get the feeling
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I think that I should hold on, hold on

(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I look at you and
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I get the feeling
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I think that I should hold on, hold on

I'm losing love, losing you, losing everything
Losing faith in the world where I wanna be
So I don't care if the one thing that's killing me
Is so wrong, so wrong

I should walk away

(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I look at you and
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I get the feeling
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I think that I should hold on, hold on

(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I look at you and
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I get the feeling
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I think that I should hold on, hold on

Oh, oh, oh
And I can't stop this feeling
And I can't stop this feeling

(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I look at you and
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I get the feeling
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I think that I should hold on, hold on
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I look at you and
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I get the feeling
(Oh-oh oh-oh)
I think that I should hold on, hold on
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