Music Detail

Zara Larsson - Only You (Live) was added to the Free2Music database on December 08, 2018. Published the day it was watched 879 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Zara Larsson


So Good

Lyrics Title

Only You




Pop Reggae


I don't wanna shower even if I stink
'Cause I don't wanna wash you off, wash you off my skin
It's been about an hour, and I'm still trembling, oh

Feelin' you deep, feelin' you deep within
Ay-eh-ay, ay-eh-ay

Opened bottles on the drawer
Rolling papers on the floor
Ay, don't want a cigarette yet
Don't want no drink on my breath, yes
Wanna taste your taste some more
Feel you pourin' through my pores
Ay, I'm goin' back in my bed to play it back in my head

'Cause I can't love nobody like I love myself
Like I love myself, only you, ay
No one's ever touched me like I touch myself
No, nobody else, only you, only you
Only you

I feel you in my fingers, even in my toes
Steam up on the mirror and on the windows
Baby, that was it, wish it would never end
I just wanna do it, do it again
Ay-eh-ay, ay-eh-ay

I can smell your smell so sweet
On my pillow, on my sheets
Ay, I wanna keep it like that
Keep on sleeping like that, yeah
Baby, you'll be hard to beat
What I have is yours to keep
Ay, I never wanted so bad, best that I ever had

No, I can't love nobody like I love myself
Oh, like I love myself, only you, oh
No one's ever touched me like I touch myself
No, nobody else, only you, only you
Only you
Only you
Only you
Oh, oh, oh, oh

I can't love nobody like I love myself
Like I love myself, only you, only you
No one's ever touched me like I touch myself
No, nobody else (nobody, nobody)
Only you (no, oh)
Only you
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