Zara Larsson - Weak Heart

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Zara Larsson - Weak Heart was added to the Free2Music database on December 09, 2018. Published the day it was watched 1,012 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Zara Larsson

Lyrics Title

Weak Heart






Early morning
Someone's calling
Who could this be?
Reach my phone and
Your name showing
On my caller ID

I decline and
Change my mind and
Call you back up
You say hey
I say hey then
We don't say too much

It's almost like singing that sad song
You make it so easy to hang on

'Cause I've a weak heart, baby, I've a weak heart
Yeah I-I-I-I have such a weak heart, baby, I've a weak heart
Yeah I-I-I-I when it comes to you
I put my money on a long shot
(I gotta, I gotta, I gotta) when it comes to you
It's like I want it but I can't stop
(I gotta, I gotta, I gotta)
Yeah I've a weak heart, baby, I've a weak heart

You come over
I say slow now
This can't go on
Grab a chair, please
Sit right there is
Time we had a talk

Boy, talk is the touching,
And then it's on to the next
Body to body until I'm catching my breath
This is not what I'm supposed to do
Try to shake it off, but I'm stuck on you

So Imma keep singing this sad song
It never felt better to be wrong

'Cause I've a weak heart, baby, I've a weak heart
Yeah I-I-I-I have such a weak heart, baby, I've a weak heart
Yeah I-I-I-I when it comes to you
I put my money on a long shot
(I gotta, I gotta, I gotta) when it comes to you
It's like I want it but I can't stop
(I gotta, I gotta, I gotta)
Yeah I've a weak heart, baby, I've a weak heart
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