Cardi B - Lick (Audio)

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Cardi B - Lick (Audio) was added to the Free2Music database on January 07, 2019. Published the day it was watched 789 times since. Other information about free music is below.

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Cardi B

Lyrics Title







Lookin' like I caught a (Look at me)
Cardi (Look at me)

Cardi (Look at me)

Lookin' like I caught a lick
Run up on me, you get hit
And all my bitches with the shits
Bronx, New York, gangsta bitch
Lookin' like I caught a lick
Since Day 1, I've been that bitch
Got some hittas in my clique
Lookin' like I caught a lick
Lookin' like I caught a lick

Look at me, look at me
They ain't like me before, now they bookin' me
The glow got bitches so shook at me
They like, "Chef Cardi B, what you cookin' B?"
I say, "Bitches, got me on some new shit"
I swear niggas got me feelin' ruthless
Too much mo'fuckers done doubted me
That's why I had to just prove it
I remember walkin' in the stores, I couldn't buy nothin'
They look at me starin'
Now I just walk in the stores, I like it I cop it
I don't even think
Bank tellers asking for info
'Cause now my deposits on Kimbo
Told that bitch, "Gimme my money
Why the fuck you askin' all this info?"

Run up, get done up
Got shooters ready for a come up
Promise you I didn't luck up
Was grindin' all night
Didn't sleep 'til the sun up
Now I got up on my shit
Walk around like I'm that bitch
Every nigga wanna hit

Lookin' like I caught a lick
Run up on me, you get hit
And all my bitches with the shits
Bronx, New York, gangsta bitch
Lookin' like I caught a lick
Since Day 1, I've been that bitch
Got some hittas in my clique
Lookin' like I caught a lick
Lookin' like I caught a lick

See me in my 'bach, now they all surprised
Now they call my phone, I just press decline
Not even six seconds, I don't give 'em Vine
Tell 'em, "Fall back," all must recline
Bitches mad as fuck but I don't give a fuck
Niggas can't believe it, better soak it up
Lookin' like I caught a lick, bitch
Your nigga got me on his wishlist
Thought I was makin' no moves?
Thought I was gon' be livin' in Sues?
Thought I was makin' no money?
You fuckin' thought I was gon' lose
Everythin' I did, I swear I got paid
Been 'bout my money, that ain't gon' change
Bitch, you gon' drown tryna ride on my wave
Corny ass bitches, I just can't relate

Run up, get done up
Got shooters ready for a come up
Promise you I didn't luck up
Was grindin' all night
Didn't sleep 'til the sun up
Now I got up on my shit
Walk around like I'm that bitch
Every nigga wanna hit

Lookin' like I caught a lick
Run up on me, you get hit
And all my bitches with the shits
Bronx, New York, gangsta bitch
Lookin' like I caught a lick
Since Day 1, I've been that bitch
Got some hittas in my clique
Lookin' like I caught a lick
Lookin' like I caught a lick

Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
Look at me
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