Music Detail

Natasha Bedingfield - Pocketful of Sunshine (Boyce Avenue acoustic cover) was added to the Free2Music database on January 22, 2019. Published the day it was watched 724 times since. Other information about free music is below.

Music Information




Boyce Avenue


Cover Sessions, Vol. 1

Lyrics Title

Pocketful of Sunshine






I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that it's all mine

Oh, oh, oh
Do what you want,
But you never gonna break me,
Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me
Oh, oh, oh

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (a sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
A hiding place (a hiding place)

I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that it's all mine
Oh, oh, oh
Do what you want,
But you never gonna break me,
Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me
Oh, oh, oh

I got a pocket,
Got a pocket full of sunshine
I got a love and I know that it's all mine
Oh, oh, oh

Wish that you could,
But you ain't gonna own me
Do anything you can to control me
Oh, oh, oh

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (A sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
A hiding place (A hiding place)

There's a place that I go
Where nobody knows
Where the rivers flow
And I call it home
And there's no more lies
And darkness is light
And nobody cries
There's only butterflies

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
The sweet escape (the sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
My hiding place (my hiding place)

Take me away (take me away)
A secret place (a secret place)
A sweet escape (A sweet escape)
Take me away (take me away)
Take me away (take me away
To better days (to better days)
Take me away (take me away)
My hiding place (my hiding place)

Oh, oh, oh
Take me away

The sun's on my side
Take me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I'll be alright

The sun's on my side
Take me for a ride
I smile up to the sky
I know I'll be alright
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